Saturday, May 5, 2012

Eaten by Nurses of equal or lesser than your skills,level,etc

So many times to often Nurses have gone from being caring, compassionate, people of knowledge to learn from, be guided, etc. To now selfish, mean, non caring, to out do all others around them. Non teaching, not sharing of skills and knowledge. Rather they hold back, watch you sink rather than throw you a life boat or doughnut of hope float.When a situation arises that you need that nurse, med tech, or lab personal to be at your side to stand up for you, speak up for you they are no where to be found. Even though, before hand they were there, agreed with you. Understood what was going on, etc. But, again when it came down to it. They decided to leave you standing alone.
   For example I will tell you a typical week working schedule of three nurses. When all their providers are there they work with that one provider, that one nurse or med tech. When one of the providers if off, it has been told to all nurses and med techs to help the other nurses and or providers checking in patients. When the nurse that had the provider off she would try to call patients with lab results, appointments for procedures, Diagnostic images appointments, to come in for teaching etc. Or medication refill request had been sent in or denied, and need of appointment, then at that point would schedule them. Also, you would run a list of all patients in need of Paps, mammograms, etc. Then you would call them to see if they had this done, when, where , results, if not then schedule them to come in and get this done. Remember I said that you are to help the other nurses if they need help checking in patients for their providers, and you are to help that provider if they ask you to by checking in their patients. Now comes the interesting part. The nurse was to leave at 12 to go to another office hour away due to being told there was going to be no nurse their that day. So, she did all her work listed above that she could until then. Then comes in a person she knows outside of the office needing to be seen, she asks the provider she does not work for if they could be seen by them. They say yes, she says to the med tech working with that provider, her provider to check the patient in. The med tech states no, they are a new patient, etc will take longer to do. So, The other nurse with no provider goes and checks in the patient she knows. Does vitals, history, all that is done for any other person that comes in. Then takes the patient to the providers side puts the patient in a room and tells provider they are ready to be seen. The nurse then leaves to go to other office, upon doing so she was late leaving to get there. She tries to call supervisor no answer, tries to text no answer. Calls main number gets connected to OM where she is to go tells them she is on the way and may be a few min. late. The Office Manager says why are you coming? We did not know you were coming. Stated to OM I was told you have no nurse this afternoon, and I had to come help out. She states no we have a nurse the other one left early. Granted this nurse had already told her supervisor days before she did not think she would have the gas to go there and work the rest week til pay day. She did not care, her only thing was you need to ask someone else in the office to go then in your place cause they will have no nurse. Decided well to go anyway run out of gas oh well. Nurse went. Was upset she was lied to that there was another nurse there, and well when she went she was working with a provider that was not the one she was hired for.Now it comes about three months later. After checking in the above patient, a friend they knew not really really well but a guy who dated the nurses daughter. The Nurse gets wrote up for so called HIPPA violation because she checked this person in did their vitals, history, nursing assessment.due to other clinical staff available, which the med tech refused when asked to do so. and the Nurse was also wrote up for not being the nurse working with that particular provider at that time. Being titled Unsatisfactory performance. The nurse had also done like many other staff in the office did blocked the schedule for a min. until confirming that she could put a patient on the schedule, there was also another appointment on the schedule for that morning open as well. But Nurse was written up for block or hold on schedule for family, friend, etc. They also state you can't schedule a friend , family on the schedule just like any other patient. Not saying now that favortism has been done at any point. But that the Nurse has to go tell supervisor, and deputy director anytime, a friend, family member, acquaintance comes into office. That in it self is a Hippa violation, that is their privacy in my book. That you have to alert them that have nothing to do with medical, or the patient being seen??? Even if the family , friend wants you and only you to check them in, they only want to talk to you due to trusting you feeling comfortable with you. It is not a Hippa violation I have learned from NCBON but just a ethical issues maybe. Due to you may or may not be crossing the line. As such, look at it this way. you are in a ER and a emer. comes in serious condition. The other nurses are tied up what are you to do. Ignore the care of the person due to you know them??? Not treat them??? Same Hippa rules apply to EMS, Paramedics if they go on a call and pick up some one and the care they need the EMT does not have training for what are they to do? Leave the patient at road side? Call for another ambulance to come get the patient? Or the paramedic that can treat and save the patient do his job he was trained for??? You live in a small town have all your life you know almost every one. Due to ties to the community so does this mean you have to leave the area, you have to work out of town due to this.? Such as you worked for another provider years ago and now know some of the patients that come there? So again are you suppose to quit, be terminated cause you know alot of people, and they like you? How and what is to far when comes to something like this? This person /Nurse/EMT/Paramedic has never leaked information on a patient, family member, etc. So why , why is it a issue? What do you think? How do you feel?
      What makes it even sadder is the fact the co workers she worked with all knew that friends, family etc was coming into be seen. Did they get up and say I have to check them in? Or you can not check them in ? Or I will get them due to this? That the nurse had no clue of being a ethical issue, due to never had been said before in past working areas, Nursing homes, home health, office setting. Was the nurse set up, left to fend for self? And how about the deal with the nurses are to help other nurses and providers when theirs is off? Also, when that Nurse was working with their provider and the other nurses had no provider, the Nurse made sure her provider did not disturb them or ask for help so that they may get caught up on their things. But, there were times, the Deputy Director came to that nurse and asked " Are they helping you, have they helped you at all today/" Advised "No, and well I can handle this, and they can get caught up, so all 3 of them can get their work done with no interference " Next you know one of them Med tech comes asking with attitude " Why did'nt you call someone for help?" Nurse advised med tech did not ask for none or need none advised med tech what conversation was said to DD. She then just stands looking busy messing with computer in case DD walks by. She did end up getting asked to do something while she was standing there she walked off did not do it. But this Nurse always had to help any nurse any provider when hers was off, but when theirs was off, it did not matter if she need it , asked for it, they did not help out. She could not get her work done that could not be done when patients were there being seen by her provider. She went to her supervisor several times, nothing changed. Was only told well when your provider is off it is your job to help them and do what you are asked by that provider. But, in the end She the Nurse got wrote up for it. So , why was the nurse not told she could be written up for this, and she had to pick and choose who to check in?

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